- The name of the society (hereinafter called “the Branch”) shall be “University of Bristol Convocation, Hong Kong Branch”
- The registered office of the Branch shall be situated at 8C Winly Building, 1-5 Elgin Street, Central, Hong Kong SAR.
- The objectives for which the Branch is established are
- to canvass for funds to establish the giving of scholarships to Hong Kong students for attending the University of Bristol for educational purposes;
- to manage the scholarship fund;
- to select students from the community of Hong Kong public already accepted for admission by the University of Bristol, in particular those in need of financial support;
- to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the above objects
- The Committee shall ensure and continue to ensure that this Constitution and the activities of the Branch are such that the Branch can be and is and continues to be affiliated as a branch of the University of Bristol Convocation (hereafter called “the Association”) and that all the Branch’s objects must be charitable and all its activities are compatible with charitable objects
- The income of the Branch shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Branch as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid directly or indirectly to any member or members of the Branch providing only that nothing herein shall prevent the reimbursement of reasonable and proper expenses incurred by any member of the Committee on behalf of the Branch
- Membership of the Branch shall be automatically open to all members of the Association who are resident in Hong Kong
- General Meetings shall be conducted as follows:
- The Branch shall hold a General Meeting in every calendar year as its Annual General Meeting at such time and place as the Committee shall determine
- The Committee may also convene an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever they think fit
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may also be convened by a requisition to this effect signed by at least ten members
- Two weeks’ notice in writing of any General Meeting shall be given to all members
- No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of at least 5 members shall be present
- In the event that a quorum is not present, the Chairman shall adjourn the meeting for fourteen days, the notice of the meeting shall be re-circulated to all members and those then present shall constitute a quorum
- Every member shall have one vote, and all resolutions shall be decided on a show of hands
- Proceedings at Annual General Meetings shall comprise
- A report by the Chairman on the activities of the Branch during the year
- A report by the Hon Treasurer on income received and expenditure incurred during the year
- The election of officers and members of the Committee for the next year
- Such special resolutions as the Committee may wish to be considered
- The Committee shall comprise
- Chairman
- Hon Secretary
- Hon Treasurer, &
- such additional committee members being not less than two as the Committee shall from time to time determine
- Every member shall be eligible for election to the Committee. Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting. Officers and members of the Committee may be re-elected Trustees of the Branch shall be Members of the Committee who shall serve the Branch gratis and will not receive remuneration for their services as trustees nor allow themselves to be appointed to other salaried or paid offices of the Branch while remaining as trustees
- The Committee shall meet together for the dispatch of business and shall regulate their proceedings as they think fit subject to
- All such proceedings being in accordance with the object of the Branch and within such terms of reference as are prescribed by the members from time to time
- No business shall be transacted at any Committee meeting unless a quorum of at least 50% of the Committee membership shall be present
- The Hon Secretary shall cause proper minutes to be made of all General and Committee meetings
- The Hon Treasurer shall cause proper books of accounts to be kept with respect to all receipts, expenditures, assets and liabilities of the Branch
- This Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting only if
- Notice shall have been given of a motion to this effect in the notice convening the meeting
- At least two-thirds of those members present at the meeting shall approve the motion Any amendment to the Constitution shall take effect as soon as approval is received from the Registrar of Societies
- In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Branch any assets remaining after the settlement of all the debts and liabilities of the Branch shall be given to the Association for the promotion of the charitable purposes for which the Branch is established and in the event that the Association no longer exists at that time, then the Hong Kong Community Chest will take the place of the Association for this purpose.